Battlefield 4 HIGHLY COMPRESSED DOWNLOAD FOR PC - Micro Gaming World

 Battlefield 4 DOWNLOAD

DEVELOPERS : Växjö, Sweden

RELEASE DATE : Octobar 29, 2013

CATEGORY : Shooting stealth action adventure Game


Recently, I finally played through Battlefield Four with the help of some friends to keep me sane. The following is a completely accurate summary of the campaign. Trust me, if you enjoy the video, don't forget to like and subscribe. The game begins in an overturned car underwater, because even 2 seconds into the game, a US marine can't be trusted behind the wheel. The squad's leader done is done for because he's pinned under the seat of the car and the car is filling up with water. So he hands us a revolver to shoot him with. The game doesn't let us shoot him with it. So we do the next best thing drown everyone. That's the end of the game. Yeah, I wish. 13 minutes earlier we're off to a great start as Wrecker struggles with the concept of doors by attempting to push it open. Wrecker mutters is first and only word throughout the entire rest of the game. That's a whisper spot. Then I remember that the game is forced to play at 70 FOV, and I get motion sick at a field of view that low. So I force the game beyond its intended field of view by injecting Wrecker's eyeballs with drugs, Rekker runs through a hallway and comes across a door.

But luckily, he's more evolved than Blackburn ever was and opens it in any future doors with no issue, we meet back up with Waka WakaWaka, who has a familiar line.

Damn it, Becker, I must shot you.

In the face, because I guess the writers from Battlefield Three thought it was such a good line if they wanted to bring it back a second time. Law and Order SVU sound effect catches back up to us, and Waka WakaWaka fills him in on what was going on before the game began, and SVU calls the CEO of PETA to meet back up with us. Somehow. Ingrid New Kirk climbs up a two story building in human time. And we play a point and click game with questionable hit registration. Probably stemming from the fact that I forcibly changed the FOV. But I'm going to blame the game anyways after being chased away by some Chinese soldiers who look suspiciously not Chinese and also shed in Russian. Despite the fact that they've got Chinese flags on their uniforms. We hump an ammo crate to bring it to climax, so it gives us sweet ammo juices, and we blow open a wall to create a door. So maybe Wrecker has less of a grasp on how doors work than I initially thought. We run across the field and take an elevator that we fall out of because we're attacked by some locals who seem way more threatening than they actually are and get blinded by some lens flares.

I instinctually put my hand up because I'm lens flare.

We leisurely walk our way to the extraction shopper, but surprise, surprise, the attack helicopter from literally 10 seconds ago shows up and shoots the extraction down and we slide down the collapsing building before falling five stories and getting crushed under a rock. But that's okay because we're wearing plot armor and can't be killed. SVU is fine too, we just had to lightly molest him and use the power of the force to cut his leg off. I face through the door of a car and try to outdrive a helicopter with no problems whatsoever. We're forced back onto the road and Ingrid tries to take control of the wheel for me. So I almost fall out of the car and we crash because we already knew this was going to happen. Also, this took 20 minutes, not 13. We're thrown into the beginning of BioShock and unfortunately my plan to kill everyone failed, so Ingrid and Walkawakawaka survived. George W. Bush lets us know that the bad guy has convinced everyone that we killed the joker and then promotes record or squad leader despite the fact that he doesn't speak and would make an absolutely awful leader.

Cut to Ingrid driving in downtown China where he almost runs over a woman and her kid because we already knew that US Marines couldn't be trusted behind the wheel. And then we just watched some paranormal shit happening before Ingrid somehow lodges the car completely sideways in an alley. We run our way to a skyscraper and take another elevator up to a cocktail party we weren't invited to so the guests try to murder us after taking revenge on the party guests for not inviting us with no problems whatsoever. The building does not exist. Back up the aircraft. We break into a hallway and meet back up with Alec Baldwin from Battlefield Three, who is just as much of a dick as he was in that game. We murder Thatcher and steal a helicopter, except Alec Baldwin won't let us fly with him because he's seen our track record for vehicles to getting into crashes ratio so far and won't risk it. So we murder Thatcher again and make our way back downstairs to the elevator. We murder our way through some more people enjoying an evening in the park and assert our dominance over a tank just like in Battlefield Three.

Some more paranormal activity happens. Guys, this place is haunted. I'm getting the fuck out of here. We find our way to a boat where more paranormal activity happens as we make our way out of the city on a boat. The Chinese unleash the power of base boosting when we fall through the boat. Yep, and there we go. A Cutscene plays where a doctor asks George Bush for more hands but he won't let her have more because that's really creepy wrecker wakes up from a bad dream about people watching his YouTube videos and not being subscribed before running through the ship and getting blinded. As we step outside, we meet a bunch of clones and make our way back to Walkawakawaka. In Ingrid, who is taking a shit on the back of a truck in full view of a child, so he bribes her with an apple so she won't tell George Bush. An alarm goes off when we rush back outside to see what's happening, but we can't tell over the blinding light of the sun. George Bush tells us that he's disappointed that we let Ingrid take a dump on a truck, so he sends us to board the Titan and steal everyone's eyeballs for the doctor.

Unfortunately, we find out that Alec Baldwin is our new squad leader and we get ribbed for our pleasure to get on board the Titan. After making our way inside, we drop into some water and struggle to make it through the section because it's completely bugged. It's happening. Please. Okay. Please. Oh my God. Thank God. We meet up with a couple of sailors who are trapped under the floor and Alec Baldwin tells us to leave them to die so it'll be easier to harvest their eyeballs. But Ingrid wants to keep them alive to ensure maximum suffering and tries to get them out. We steal the Navy's porn stash and fight our way through the evil lens flares before the ship splits in half and we're crushed underneath a falling plane. After making it to the end of the ship and jumping into the water, we reveal our way back to the ship where we crash because the US Marine can't be trusted behind any kind of wheel, even if it's not on land. We start making our way back to George Bush with no problems whatsoever. Oh, come on. That guy died for no reason. That first guy got flat, but the second guy died for no reason.

1Meet up with Miley Cyrus on the way. Alec Baldwin needs a hand moving a piece of junk out of the way, but he gets shot and dies and no one is sad for him because he was an absolute piece of shit this entire time. George Bush emerges from his bathroom break to find that everyone else on the ship is dead, so he sends us off with Miley to take revenge on the people who violated his safe time to take advantage of him. We invade our way into the city with no problems and steal a tank which we abandoned in a parking garage for an lev, and struggle our way through another section. After finally making it to the end of the section, we listen to everyone bitch at each other before running out in a typhoon and getting pinned behind a car with absolutely no negative consequences whatsoever because we're still wearing plot armor. We get inside to avoid the storm and try our best to run away from the squad bitching at each other, but they catch up and we have to fight our way through an airport because we're terrorists. No Russian. After killing Thatcher, we murder our way through the hangar and die a few times, but also, some really weird things start happening.

No, wait. Can I get a news? Oh, what the fuck? What the fuck is going on? I got it. Miley Cyrus gets in the driver's seat of a buggy and we immediately crash because women can't be trusted behind the wheel. Waka WakaWaka dies, and Miley Cyrus betrays us. So one of the engineers helps us get off the tarmac. We wake up and knock the gulag and get tortured for a while before waking up again in a cell with Dima from Battlefield Three, except he looks completely different. He immediately breaks us out of jail and murders Thatcher, and we stealth our way through this section somehow and break everyone else out of jail, too. We meet back up with Ingrid and murder our way through more prison guards to get to an elevator. So I pull a lever after murdering our way through more waves of prison guards and witnessing more paranormal activity. What the fuck was that? Is it that door?

It only happened oh, it's that door.

Oh, my God. Oh, wait, it's not the door. It's switching to the wrecks. What the fuck? We break our way out and Miley unbatrays us and the squad bitches at each other some more before we finally go outside. So I just noticed this while editing that the gun goes off while it's still pointed to Irish and doesn't actually hit the other guy. He just dies on his own. We make our way across the mountain with absolutely no problems whatsoever and steal a gondola totally fine, but immediately gets shot down because even though it doesn't have a wheel, it still counts as a vehicle so we can't be trusted with it. Also, Dima died. Cut to two days later, where we stole on a truck. Miley Cyrus guilt trips Ingrid about her family and they instantly become best friends. We park in a no park zone and get dragged out of our car because they're unhappy that we thought we could skirt the rules. Doc Ock fills us in on our mission and we make our way through a heavily fortified town with no issues whatsoever. After meeting up with Commander Karen, we're trapped in a room with her and have to listen to her bitch at us for a few minutes before we can leave.



  • OS: Windows 8 32-bit.
  • Processor: Processor (AMD): Athlon X2 2.8 GHz Processor (Intel): Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz.
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM.
  • Graphics: Graphics card (AMD): AMD Radeon HD 3870 Graphics card (NVIDIA): Nvidia GeForce 8800 GT.
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection.
  • Storage: 30 GB available space.


By using WinRAR exact the file (Download WinRAR)

After download complete click the game setup and install it.

After the game install click the 'bf4' icon and enjoy it!





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